
Final Presentation

CATEDRA BOGOTA PROJECT During the last years people all over the world have been strarted eating more procesed food than organic food. This is unhealthy and unsustainable. Is unhealthy beacause all those products have passed trough different process in which chemicals are used to make the product last more time, make it taste better or change its color; those chemicals can cause renal insufficiency, different kinds of cancer, asthma, obesity and insuline dependence. And is unsustainable because this products most of the time are really expensive and damage the nature. Some of the most common chemicals used are tartrazine (to give color), BHA (to make the food las more) and  eritrozin B (used to make fruits look better)         Diseases: http://www.salud180.com/salud-dia-dia/7-riesgos-de-los-quimicos-en-los-alimentos Chemicals: http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2014/06/20/7-quimicos-en-la-comida-que-preocupan-a-los-cientificos/ , http:/...

Julian's speech

JULIAN'S SPEECH An expert went to the school and explained to us some things about organic farming, also he showed to us the step by step for doing our own organic farm. First he explained the difference between organic and non-organic wastes. Organic wastes are the ones that can decompose easyly, so we can make compost with it. And non-organic wastes are the ones that are very difficult to decompose, so we can recycle them Then he told to us what compost was. Compost  s like an organic fertilizer, it consists in putting organic wastes in a little bag for about 3 months and letting them decompose, then you can mix the soil with this compost.  He also told to us the differences between organic farming and conventional farming. In conventional farming lots of fertilizers are used to grow the plants, and in organic farming natural compost is used.  Then he explained how do insects ara taken away in conventional farming and in organic farming. In ...
HOT DOG Hot dog is a universal recipe that is very unhealthy because of the ingredients it has but is so delicious, obviously when people eat this stuff they know that it is unhealthy and is junk food but they don't matter and they continue eating that, they don't matter about the diseases that food can cause them so here we have one idea to make hot dog but in a healthy way. Original ingredients: Bread: 8g of sugars and 2g of saturated fats. Sausage: 27g of fat, 20mg of cholesterol and 3g of saturated fats. Ketchup: 15g of calories, 4g of sugar Mayonnaise: 5g of fat, 52 of calories. These ingredients have a lot of conservants and grease that's why they are unhealthy but to replace them there are other alternatives like natural recipes or integral bread or sausage alternatives. Modified ingredients: Integral bread: made with nuts. Vegetarian sausage: made with mashed vegetables. Natural mayonnaise recipe:  when doing it na...